In [42]:
# Typeface sizes
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12
rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12
rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12
rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12
#rcParams[''] = 'serif'
#rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Computer Modern Roman']
#rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

# Optimal figure size
WIDTH = 350.0  # the number latex spits out
FACTOR = 0.90  # the fraction of the width you'd like the figure to occupy
fig_width_pt  = WIDTH * FACTOR

inches_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27
golden_ratio  = (np.sqrt(5) - 1.0) / 2.0  # because it looks good

fig_width_in  = fig_width_pt * inches_per_pt  # figure width in inches
fig_height_in = fig_width_in * golden_ratio   # figure height in inches
fig_dims      = [fig_width_in, fig_height_in] # fig dims as a list

rcParams['figure.figsize'] = fig_dims

In [6]:
%matplotlib inline

In [7]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
import statsmodels.api as sm
import itertools

First, let's load the results from the small model of polled included in the default settings. This involves loading four animal files (live cows, dead cows, live bulls, and dead bulls). We will load them and merge them into a single data frame.

In [8]:
# We have 10 relicates for each simulation
for sim in xrange(1,11):
    # Load the individual history files
    lc = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/cows_history_pryce_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    dc = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/dead_cows_history_pryce_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    lb = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/bulls_history_pryce_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    db = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/dead_bulls_history_pryce_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    inbreeding = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/pedigree_20.txt.solinb'%sim, delim_whitespace=True,
                             skipinitialspace=True, names=['animal','inbreeding'])
    # Stack the individual animal datasets
    allan = lc.append(dc.append(lb.append(db)))
    # Merge in the coefficients of inbreeding (Pandas defaults to an inner join)
    all_animals = pd.merge(allan, inbreeding, on='animal')
    all_animals['rep'] = sim
    if sim == 1:
        all_replicates = all_animals
        all_replicates = pd.concat([all_replicates, all_animals])
# Print first few lines of dataframe

In [9]:
# Now load the Pryce+recessives data so that we can compare EBV.
# We have 10 relicates for each simulation
for sim in xrange(1,11):
    # Load the individual history files
    lc = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/cows_history_pryce_r_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    dc = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/dead_cows_history_pryce_r_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    lb = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/bulls_history_pryce_r_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    db = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/dead_bulls_history_pryce_r_holstein_20.txt'%sim, sep='\t')
    inbreeding = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/pedigree_20.txt.solinb'%sim, delim_whitespace=True,
                             skipinitialspace=True, names=['animal','inbreeding'])
    # Stack the individual animal datasets
    allan_r = lc.append(dc.append(lb.append(db)))
    # Merge in the coefficients of inbreeding (Pandas defaults to an inner join)
    all_animals_r = pd.merge(allan_r, inbreeding, on='animal')
    all_animals_r['rep'] = sim
    if sim == 1:
        all_replicates_r = all_animals_r
        all_replicates_r = pd.concat([all_replicates_r, all_animals_r])
# Print first few lines of dataframe

In [10]:

4     1770805
8     1768825
5     1763577
9     1763114
3     1763068
2     1762261
1     1761989
7     1761553
10    1760685
6     1759813
dtype: int64

In [11]:
# N = culled to maintain herd size
# A = culled for age
# R = culled because of lethal disorder

N    1545934
A     109874
R      41205
dtype: int64

How many males and females are in the dataset?

In [12]:

F    896934
M    863751
dtype: int64

If we want to plot the average TBV by sex for each generation we first need to construct a dataframe that has the average (mean) TBV for each group-sex combination.

In [13]:
grouped = all_animals.groupby(['sex','born']).mean()
# Bulls and cows don't necessarily have identical sets of
# birth generations for founders since those values are
# randomly generated and bulls live longer than cows. In
# order to get the plots to work correctly, we need to
# reindex the aggregated dataframe.
full_index = []
for x in ['F','M']:
    for g in all_animals['born'].unique():
grouped = grouped.reindex(full_index).reset_index()
grouped = grouped.add_suffix('').reset_index()
grouped = grouped.sort(['level_0','level_1'])

Now group the data for the Pryce+recessives scenario

In [14]:
grouped_r = all_animals_r.groupby(['sex','born']).mean()
full_index = []
for x in ['F','M']:
    for g in all_animals['born'].unique():
grouped_r = grouped_r.reindex(full_index).reset_index()
grouped_r = grouped_r.add_suffix('').reset_index()
grouped_r = grouped_r.sort(['level_0','level_1'])

In [15]:
print 'Average TBV by generation of birth and animal sex for the Pryce scenario'

Average TBV by generation of birth and animal sex for the Pryce scenario
sex  born
F    -4        -2.792755
     -3        -0.159207
     -2        -0.651679
     -1         0.101265
      0         1.756497
      1       138.650390
      2       347.351267
      3       501.728185
      4       704.388730
      5       891.748693
      6      1103.571045
      7      1302.683472
      8      1524.968542
      9      1745.667838
      10     1963.764929
      11     2172.266373
      12     2393.962399
      13     2600.384165
      14     2813.970484
      15     3029.561621
      16     3258.406126
      17     3460.777081
      18     3677.653239
      19     3889.873385
M    -9       282.535187
     -8       339.260682
     -7       408.274483
     -6       285.917476
     -5       287.737954
     -4       353.160575
     -3       243.266378
     -2       279.346614
     -1       238.317232
      0       217.831351
      1       140.688098
      2       346.071643
      3       501.485551
      4       705.177698
      5       889.254653
      6      1102.046466
      7      1302.406664
      8      1524.343014
      9      1747.100663
      10     1964.269233
      11     2169.714256
      12     2395.986385
      13     2600.791073
      14     2814.583875
      15     3030.586117
      16     3255.499819
      17     3461.297010
      18     3679.158991
      19     3890.826498
Name: TBV, Length: 53, dtype: float64

In [16]:
print 'Average TBV by generation of birth and animal sex for the Pryce+recessives scenario'

Average TBV by generation of birth and animal sex for the Pryce+recessives scenario
sex  born
F    -4        -1.144767
     -3         0.068375
     -2         0.488970
     -1         1.993793
      0         0.627667
      1       144.496522
      2       367.312800
      3       547.425880
      4       735.556750
      5       928.927682
      6      1142.444917
      7      1344.126673
      8      1558.093027
      9      1767.267348
      10     1985.738764
      11     2202.675789
      12     2410.516821
      13     2621.005648
      14     2847.854833
      15     3055.654225
      16     3272.792686
      17     3490.109277
      18     3712.091470
      19     3926.792431
M    -9       329.077172
     -8       280.408157
     -7       303.350491
     -6       268.406665
     -5       308.464663
     -4       304.624442
     -3       350.331280
     -2       333.274695
     -1       303.354279
      0       364.035753
      1       144.794870
      2       367.420371
      3       546.716413
      4       740.290265
      5       930.592268
      6      1137.453816
      7      1341.324509
      8      1556.201236
      9      1769.045676
      10     1987.990531
      11     2203.946650
      12     2407.534362
      13     2618.537980
      14     2850.703639
      15     3056.584953
      16     3273.869031
      17     3490.599098
      18     3713.794723
      19     3929.118274
Name: TBV, Length: 53, dtype: float64

In [17]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_dims, dpi=300, facecolor='white')

# Set nicer limits
xmin ,xmax = 0, 30
ymin, ymax = 0, 0.25

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_ylabel('True Breeding Value')
ax.plot(all_animals.groupby(['born']).mean()['TBV'], label='Pryce', linewidth=2)
ax.plot(all_animals_r.groupby(['born']).mean()['TBV'], label='Pryce+recessives', linewidth=2)

# Deal with ticks marks and labels
x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 31, 5)]
x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(-10, 21, 5)]
xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)

# Despine
ax = gca()

# Plot and save
fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1)  # Make the figure use all available whitespace
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-average-tbv-by-gen-pryce-rec.png', dpi=300)

Looking at the plot below, it looks as though I may need to bump the difference between cows and bulls in order to separate the two groups a little more. In these results, it looks as though the TBV for the groups don't differ.

In [18]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
#labels = ax.set_xticklabels(grouped['level_1'].unique())
ax.set_title('Mean TBV for Bulls and Cows')
ax.set_ylabel('True Breeding Value')
for key, grp in grouped.groupby(['level_0']):
    ax.plot(grp['TBV'], label=key)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10cae0d90>

In the plot above it looks as though the bulls are "losing" their genetic base advantage in the first generation in which calves are produced. That's because they're being bred to cows that are not a good as they are, on average. Also, this plot includes all animals, including calves that died and cows and bulls that were culled without producing any offspring. A plot of the TBV of parents would be more informative as far as genetic trend goes. In order to do that, we need to count the number of offspring for each parent and merge them back into the all_animals data frame.

In [19]:
# How many calves did each bull sire?
sire_counts = pd.DataFrame(all_animals['sire'].value_counts(), columns=['offspring'])
# The Series index is the bull ID, which we want to convert to a column in the
# DataFrame.
sire_counts['animal'] = sire_counts.index
# We want to drop animal 0 because that's the unknown base-population sire.
sire_counts = sire_counts[sire_counts['animal'] > 0]


In [20]:
# How many calves did each cow produce?
dam_counts = pd.DataFrame(all_animals['dam'].value_counts(), columns=['offspring'])
# The Series index is the bull ID, which we want to convert to a column in the
# DataFrame.
dam_counts['animal'] = dam_counts.index
# We want to drop animal 0 because that's the unknown base-population sire.
dam_counts = dam_counts[dam_counts['animal'] > 0]


In [21]:
# Now we do some merging. We must use LEFT OUTER JOINs in order to retain all animals
# even if they weren't parents.
with_sires = pd.merge(all_animals, sire_counts, on='animal', how='left')
with_dams = pd.merge(with_sires, dam_counts, on='animal', how='left')
all_animals = with_dams

F    896934
M    863751
dtype: int64

In [22]:
# These are cows

1    184112
2    136063
3     96741
6     77005
4     69760
5     47554
dtype: int64

In [23]:
# These are bulls

5000    287
4999     53
4998      3
3907      1
3157      1
3070      1
258       1
2         1
dtype: int64

Is there something screwy going on? I don't expect cows to have thousands of offspring.

The thing is, we now have two different columns for the offspring counts, named "offspring_x" and "offspring_y". Can we just combine them using addition? (There's probably a clever way to do this in the join, but I don't know it.

In [24]:
all_animals['offspring_x'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
all_animals['offspring_y'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
all_animals['offspring'] = all_animals['offspring_x'] + all_animals['offspring_y']

What does the distribution of offspring counts look like?

In [25]:
parents = all_animals[all_animals['offspring'] > 0]
parents.hist(column='offspring', by='sex')

array([<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x109c83390>,
       <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10297fbd0>], dtype=object)

Now I think that we have everything we need in order to subset and plot genetic trend for parents, not just all animals.

In [26]:
grouped = parents.groupby(['sex','born']).mean()
full_index = []
for x in ['F','M']:
    for g in all_animals['born'].unique():
grouped = grouped.reindex(full_index).reset_index()
grouped = grouped.add_suffix('').reset_index()
grouped = grouped.sort(['level_0','level_1'])

In [27]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_title('Mean TBV for Parents')
ax.set_ylabel('True Breeding Value')
for key, grp in grouped.groupby(['level_0']):
    ax.plot(grp['TBV'], label=key)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10c7d5110>

I also want to see what the inbreeding looks like. Plot by generation.

In [28]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_dims, dpi=300, facecolor='white')

# Set nicer limits
xmin ,xmax = 0, 30
ymin, ymax = 0, 0.25

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_ylabel('Coefficient of inbreeding')
for key, grp in grouped.groupby(['level_0']):
    # This is producing the wrong labels on the x axis.
    if key == 'M': marker='s'
    else: marker = 'o'
    ax.plot(grp['inbreeding'], label=key, linewidth=2)

# Deal with ticks marks and labels
x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 31, 5)]
x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(-10, 21, 5)]
xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)

# Despine
ax = gca()

# Plot and save
fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1)  # Make the figure use all available whitespace
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-inbreeding.png', dpi=300)

Load the four allele frequency files.

In [29]:
rec_names = ['gen',
             'High, low']

# We have 10 relicates for each simulation
for sim in xrange(1,11):
    # Load the individual history files
    freqs_random = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/minor_allele_frequencies_ran_holstein.txt'%sim, \
                       sep='\t', header=None, names=rec_names)

    freqs_toppct = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/minor_allele_frequencies_toppct_holstein.txt'%sim, \
                       sep='\t', header=None, names=rec_names)

    freqs_pryce = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/minor_allele_frequencies_pryce_holstein.txt'%sim, \
                       sep='\t', header=None, names=rec_names)

    freqs_rec = pd.read_csv('high_high/%s/minor_allele_frequencies_pryce_r_holstein.txt'%sim, \
                       sep='\t', header=None, names=rec_names)
    freqs_random['rep'] = sim
    freqs_toppct['rep'] = sim
    freqs_pryce['rep'] = sim
    freqs_rec['rep'] = sim
    if sim == 1:
        all_random = freqs_random
        all_toppct = freqs_toppct
        all_pryce = freqs_pryce
        all_rec = freqs_rec
        all_random = pd.concat([all_random, freqs_random])
        all_toppct = pd.concat([all_toppct, freqs_toppct])
        all_pryce = pd.concat([all_pryce, freqs_pryce])
        all_rec = pd.concat([all_rec, freqs_rec])

Now we have final allele frequencies for each of the 10 replicates. We need to take the mean over the replicates for each recessive and plot those.

In [30]:
grouped_random = all_random.groupby(['gen']).mean()
grouped_toppct = all_toppct.groupby(['gen']).mean()
grouped_pryce = all_pryce.groupby(['gen']).mean()
grouped_rec = all_rec.groupby(['gen']).mean()

Plot the minor allele frequencies.

In [43]:
#fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_dims, dpi=300, facecolor='white')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=300, facecolor='white')

# Set nicer limits
xmin ,xmax = 0, 20
ymin, ymax = 0, 1.01
recessives = rec_names[1:]

# Compute the expected frequency for each generation.
expected = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    expected[r] = []
    # Red and horned are NOT lethals
    if r in ['Horned', 'Red']:
        for g in xrange(0,21):
                if g == 0:
                    q0 = expected[r][g-1]
                    p0 = 1. - q0
                    q1 = (p0*q0) + q0**2
    # The others are
        for g in xrange(0,21):
                if g == 0:
                    q0 = expected[r][g-1]
                    p0 = 1. - q0
                    q1 = (p0*q0) / (p0**2 + (2*p0*q0))

# Now, plot all the things.                
colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b','k'])
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 'v', 's', 'd', '^', '*'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
# Despine
ax = gca()
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    if r != 'Horned':
        ax.plot(grouped_random[r], label=r,,, lw=1.5)
        # Deal with ticks marks and labels
        x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)
        # Despine
        ax = gca()

colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b','k'])
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 'v', 's', 'd', '^', '*'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
# Despine
ax = gca()
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    if r != 'Horned':
        ax.plot(grouped_toppct[r], label=r,,, lw=1.5)
        # Deal with ticks marks and labels
        x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)
        # Despine
        ax = gca()

colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b','k'])
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 'v', 's', 'd', '^', '*'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
# Despine
ax = gca()
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    if r != 'Horned':
        ax.plot(grouped_pryce[r], label=r,,, lw=1.5)
        # Deal with ticks marks and labels
        x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)
        # Despine
        ax = gca()

colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b','k'])
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 'v', 's', 'd', '^', '*'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.set_title('Pryce + recessives')
ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
# Despine
ax = gca()
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    if r != 'Horned':
        ax.plot(grouped_rec[r], label=r,,, lw=1.5)
        # Deal with ticks marks and labels
        x_tick_locs = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        x_tick_labels = [t for t in xrange(0, 21, 5)]
        xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)
        # Despine
        ax = gca()

h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
leg = plt.figlegend(h, l, loc=(0.90, 0.8), fancybox=True)
rect = leg.get_frame()
#suptitle = plt.suptitle('Allele Frequency Change Over Time for Several Mating Schemes', x = 0.5, y = 1.05, fontsize=18)

# Plot and save
#plt.tight_layout(pad=1., w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)
fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1)  # Make the figure use all available whitespace
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-observed-allele-frequency-changes.png', dpi=300)

Let's try a small multiples-type of plot to show the actual versus expected frequencies.

In [44]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=300, facecolor='white')

# Plot Pryce + recessives
colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b'])
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, i)
    ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
    ax.plot(grouped_rec[r], label='Observed', marker='o', c='k')
    ax.plot(expected[r], label='Expected', c='gray')
    ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.01)
plt.tight_layout(pad=1., w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-act-vs-exp-rec.png', dpi=300)

Let's take a look at just the Pryce inbreeding adjustment, then. See if it's less messy.

In [45]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=300, facecolor='white')

# Plot Pryce + recessives
colors = itertools.cycle(['r', 'g', 'b'])
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, i)
    ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
    ax.plot(grouped_pryce[r], label='Observed', marker='o', c='k')
    ax.plot(expected[r], label='Expected', c='gray')
    ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.01)
plt.tight_layout(pad=1., w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-act-vs-exp-pryce.png', dpi=300)

Now we're going to fit a linear regression to each recessive in each scenario. The frequency is the dependent variable, and the generation number is the independent variable.

In [34]:
def fit_line(x, y):
    """Return RegressionResults instance of best-fit line."""
    X = sm.add_constant(x)
    model = sm.OLS(y, X, missing='drop')
    fit =
    return fit

In [35]:
grouped_random_fits = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    fit = fit_line(grouped_random.index.values, grouped_random[r])
    grouped_random_fits[r] = fit

grouped_toppct_fits = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    fit = fit_line(grouped_toppct.index.values, grouped_toppct[r])
    grouped_toppct_fits[r] = fit
grouped_pryce_fits = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    fit = fit_line(grouped_pryce.index.values, grouped_pryce[r])
    grouped_pryce_fits[r] = fit
grouped_rec_fits = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    fit = fit_line(grouped_rec.index.values, grouped_rec[r])
    grouped_rec_fits[r] = fit
expected_fits = {}
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    fit = fit_line(grouped_rec.index.values, expected[r])
    expected_fits[r] = fit

In [36]:
from scipy.special import stdtr
def test_slopes(fit1, fit2, debug=False):
    """Perform a t-test of regression slopes assuming unequal variances."""
    sigma_b1_b2 = math.sqrt( fit1.bse[1]**2 + fit2.bse[1]**2 )
    t = (fit1.params[1] - fit2.params[1]) / sigma_b1_b2
    df = fit1.nobs + fit2.nobs - 4
    pvalue = 2*stdtr(df, -abs(t))
    if debug:
        print 'sigma_b1_b2: ', sigma_b1_b2
        print 'fit1.params[1]', fit1.params[1]
        print 'fit2.params[1]', fit2.params[1]
        print 'fit1.params[1] - fit2.params[1]', fit1.params[1] - fit2.params[1]
        print 't: ', t
        print 'df: ', df
        print 'pvalue: ', pvalue
    return t, pvalue

In [37]:
print 'Random versus Pryce+recessives'
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    tval, pval = test_slopes(grouped_random_fits[r], grouped_rec_fits[r])
    if pval < 0.05/11.: significant = '****'
    else: significant = ''
    print '\t%s:\tt = \t%s\tp = \t%s\t%s' % ( r, tval, pval, significant )

Random versus Pryce+recessives
	High, low:	t = 	-0.00556283463654	p = 	0.995590624936	

In [38]:
print 'Pryce versus Pryce+recessives'
print '\tTrait\tb0_pryce\t\tb0_rec\t\t\tFaster\tt-value\t\tp-value\t\t\tsig'
print '\t%s' % ( '-'*110 )
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    tval, pval = test_slopes(grouped_pryce_fits[r], grouped_rec_fits[r])
    if pval < 0.05/11.: significant = '****'
    else: significant = ''
    if grouped_rec_fits[r].params[1] > grouped_pryce_fits[r].params[1]: bigger = 'P'
    else: bigger = 'R'
    if r == 'Brachyspina': rprint = 'Brachy'
    elif r == 'Mulefoot': rprint = 'Mule'
    else: rprint = r
    print '\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % ( rprint, grouped_pryce_fits[r].params[1],
                                             grouped_rec_fits[r].params[1], bigger,
                                             tval, pval, significant )

Pryce versus Pryce+recessives
	Trait	b0_pryce		b0_rec			Faster	t-value		p-value			sig
	High, low	-0.0229212692461	-0.0239764775207	R	0.16875534336	0.866884160262	

In [39]:
print 'Pryce versus Expected'
print '\tTrait\tb0_rec\t\t\tb0_exp\t\t\tFaster\tt-value\t\tp-value\t\t\tsig'
print '\t%s' % ( '-'*110 )
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    tval, pval = test_slopes(grouped_pryce_fits[r], expected_fits[r])
    if pval < 0.05/11.: significant = '****'
    else: significant = ''
    if grouped_rec_fits[r].params[1] > expected_fits[r].params[1]: bigger = 'E'
    else: bigger = 'O'
    if r == 'Brachyspina': rprint = 'Brachy'
    elif r == 'Mulefoot': rprint = 'Mule'
    else: rprint = r
    print '\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % ( rprint, grouped_pryce_fits[r].params[1],
                                             expected_fits[r].params[1], bigger,
                                             tval, pval, significant )

Pryce versus Expected
	Trait	b0_rec			b0_exp			Faster	t-value		p-value			sig
	High, low	-0.0229212692461	-0.0229616167934	O	0.00594144690067	0.995290521829	

In [40]:
print 'Pryce+recessives versus Expected'
print '\tTrait\tb0_rec\t\t\tb0_exp\t\t\tFaster\tt-value\t\tp-value\t\t\tsig'
print '\t%s' % ( '-'*110 )
for i, r in enumerate(recessives):
    tval, pval = test_slopes(grouped_rec_fits[r], expected_fits[r])
    if pval < 0.05/11.: significant = '****'
    else: significant = ''
    if grouped_rec_fits[r].params[1] > expected_fits[r].params[1]: bigger = 'E'
    else: bigger = 'O'
    if r == 'Brachyspina': rprint = 'Brachy'
    elif r == 'Mulefoot': rprint = 'Mule'
    else: rprint = r
    print '\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % ( rprint, grouped_rec_fits[r].params[1],
                                             expected_fits[r].params[1], bigger,
                                             tval, pval, significant )

Pryce+recessives versus Expected
	Trait	b0_rec			b0_exp			Faster	t-value		p-value			sig
	High, low	-0.0239764775207	-0.0229616167934	O	-0.150589801829	0.881095844764	

Reference figure for expected rate of allele frequency change.

In [41]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=300, facecolor='white')

markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 'v', 's', 'd', '^', '*'])

# Compute the expected frequency for each generation.
expected = {}
for r in [0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.75, 0.99]:
    expected[r] = []
    for g in xrange(0,21):
            if g == 0:
                q0 = expected[r][g-1]
                p0 = 1. - q0
                q1 = (p0*q0) / (p0**2 + (2*p0*q0))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
#ax.set_title('Expected Change in Allele Frequencies')
ax.set_ylabel('Allele Frequency')
for r in [0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.75, 0.99]:
    l = 'Expected %s' % ( r )
    ax.plot(expected[r], label=l, c='k', lw=1.5,
ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0)
#legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=False)
plt.tight_layout(pad=1., w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)
fig.savefig('/Users/jcole/Documents/AIPL/Genomics/Recessives/high-high-expected-allele-frequency-change.png', dpi=300)

In [41]: